MAY 04.05.2018

ONEX SA is commissioned with the recording and digitizing of the minutes of the Metropolitan Athens City council.

ONEX SA is commissioned with the recording and digitizing of the minutes of the Athenian City council.

On Tuesday, April 17, 2018, ONEX SA was awarded with the recording and digitizing of the minutes of Metropolitan Athens’ City council meetings (all seven Athenian municipalities included).

ONEX SA, providing an advanced integrated solution, won the tender and the company will undertake the recording, editing, photocopying, bookbinding and digital storing of the meetings’ minutes. The services offered by ONEX SA are extended to all other municipal departments with a minutes recording procedure such as the Financial Committee, the Quality of Life Committee, the City Council Support Committee, the Executive Committee and the Municipal Internal Audit Directorate.

This project is an example of the confidence shown by the local governments to the solution offered for efficient ECM (Enterprise Content Management) that ONEX SA has developed the past few years and already is in operation with huge success in several municipalities and organizations all over the country.