APRIL 04.04.2018

ONEX NEORIO 2020: Greek stealth & unmanned open sea patrol boat.

ONEX NEORIO 2020: Proposal to the Hellenic Ministry of Defense for a European Research and Development Program for a Greek stealth & unmanned open sea patrol boat!

ONEX Group is dynamically entering the Shipbuilding Market as a key player in the National Defense and Security Sector.

By coordinating three countries (Greece, Cyprus, and Italy) and with a proposal already submitted to the General Directorate for Defense Investment & Armaments of the Hellenic Ministry of Defense and in the framework of the European Defense Industrial Development Program for a new Open Sea Patrol Boat, ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS transforms the domestic establishment.

The proposal, entitled “ONEX NEORIO 2020”, suggests the construction by Syros Shipyards of a state-of-the-art open sea patrol boat of multiple capabilities that can also be used as unmanned vessel on surveillance missions with low traceability, utilizing stealth technology!

In particular, ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS proposes the development of an integrated maritime surveillance platform based on an existing open sea patrol surface design of over 350 nm with low visibility characteristics.

The vessel will operate at a high-speed level with a crew or optionally, as an unmanned system.

Its load consists of sensors, telecommunication equipment, and other electronic systems. It will be open, of modular architecture, capable of adapting appropriately to the operational requirements.

Its sensor system will include, among others, Surveillance Radar, High Resolution Thermal Camera, Day / Night TV Camera and Laser Distance Meter.

Its telecommunication equipment will include terrestrial wireless and satellite communications systems.

The platform will have a data processing, information management & control system integrated with the other systems, consisting of a Video Analytics subsystem for data processing by the sensors, and a Data Fusion, Administration & Control subsystem, sending additionaly analytical reports.

The operational benefits of building the patrol vessel of ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS will be the following:

  • It will be achieved long-term surveillance of marine areas of interest.
  • Effective surveillance using multi-spectral active and passive sensors to achieve optimal tactical image of the area of ​​interest.
  • The existing surveillance system can be extended to previously limited areas.
  • The vessel will be flexibly adapted to the operational conditions and requirements. For example, as unmanned, it may operate in a high-risk and contaminated environment.
  • The systems to be included will be of open architecture interconnected to existing and future control and command systems of the Armed Forces.

It is noted that for the implementation of the proposal, ONEX SYROS SHIPYARDS along with other ONEX Group companies, will coordinate and supervise subcontractors in more than eight countries!

All the above and the fact that the vessel will be constructed at the Neorion Shipyards facilities, signify and further emphasize the strategic importance of the shipyard not only for Greek but also for European and NATO Security.

Moreover, the implementation of the program will be another example of the dynamic and innovative spirit that the Greek-American ONEX Group of Companies introduces through its activities in Greece.

For questions and inquiries please email us here.