AUGUST 8.07.2017

ONEX SA awarded for Corporate Social Responsibility:
Honorary Event at the Greek Ministry of Citizen Protection for the donation of ONEX SA Electronic Equipment to the Hellenic Police Force

ONEX SA awarded for Corporate Social Responsibility:

Honorary Event at the Ministry of Citizen Protection for the donation of ONEX SA Electronic Equipment to the Hellenic Police Force

At a special ceremony held on Thursday, 03/08/2017, at the Ministry of Citizen Protection at the “P. Bakoyiannis” Hall, with the presence of high-ranked officers of the  Hellenic Police and ONEX SA executives ONEX SA, was awarded by the Chief of the Hellenic Police, Konstantinos Tsouvalas and the Deputy General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Mr. Tzanetos Philipakos, honorary plaques for the donation of computers and peripheral components to the Ministry of the Interior and the  Hellenic Police Departments.

The honorary plaques were received on behalf of the company, by Mr. Ioannis Paschalides, Vice-President of ONEX SA.

In his greeting, among others, Mr. Konstantinos Tsouvalas, said:

“… It is a pleasant moment for the Hellenic Police to host the Vice President of the Board of Directors and executives of the ONEX Group at its headquarters. Hellenic Police is supporting and co-operating with healthy Greek corporations. We are especially pleased that Greek companies are strengthening the internal market and are making great steps in Europe and the rest of the world. With great pleasure the Hellenic Police and the Greeks in general see real high tech companies specialized in telecommunications in nanotechnology and other objects, to open their wings for Europe and the rest of the world. This helps our Homeland and the Greeks everywhere, all over the world. We thank you very much that in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility your company donated to the Greek Police unselfishly electronic equipment that will assist it to cope with difficult challenges”.

Then Mr. Tzanetos Philippakos underlined:

“… The ONEX Group, in honor of which the today’s event, recognizing the work and in general the social role of the Police Force, wanted to offer to the Hellenic Police Force and of course we thank you from heart.

The immediate positive response from the President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Panos Xenocostas, in my personal call to assist the Hellenic Police with the donation of electronic equipment, is a practical contribution that facilitates in essence the demanding work of the our services and on the other hand it is a moral recognition of the efforts of all police officers in any position or area they work.

It is particularly important to emphasize that much of the equipment donated by ONEX has already been delivered or will soon be delivered to the Department of Immigration and Border Security across Greece, precisely because we recognize the unprecedented high demands of refugee and migration management.

… And that is why it is important when companies and groups like ONEX, in a difficult economic era, set an example and listen to our needs, supporting morally and materially the Hellenic Police, contributing to its difficult task.

How much strength and how much courage continue to give us, a “bravo” and a “thank you”? We all know the answer. This is precisely the force that the Hellenic Police has received from ONEX and therefore today as a token of recognition, we would also like to thank you in our turn.

… Thank you for your love and appreciation and we hope that your act will prompt others to imitate you and to contribute, as far as they can, to the work of the Hellenic Police … ”

From his part Mr. Paschalidis conveyed the greetings of Mr Panos Xenokostas, President & CEO of ONEX SA, his warm thanks and the following statements:

“In recent years, Greece is experiencing a deep economic crisis but the Hellenic Police proves to the Greek citizens every day that this situation has not affected its strength, its effectiveness, but above all:

It did not touch the ethos and the principles of the Police Force!

In every Greek policeman we see the well trained professional and above all the fellow who self-denials defend his family every day he leaves behind!

Who will defend with his life the property of all of us who we struggled to obtain!

Who will defend his life, our own lives and our children through a series of dangers that in the past at least, he could not have imagined!

Defending our own Republic and our History and above all Greece!

We thank you from heart and we will always try to utilize any power we have, through our offer in material values, to return a minimum percentage of all those values ​​that you give us every day with your work and risk of your own security.

Because no one should forget that the Greek policeman protects the life of our families, above his own life, to the detriment of the family’s own trial.

You are the pillars of the Greek society and we are grateful for it! A big thank you!”

This donation of electronic equipment is the only of its kind for the Ministry of the Interior and all the police departments of the country which takes place at the same time and it is part of the actions of corporate social responsibility in which the ONEX Group has proved to be a leader by offering and remaining a helper of the Greek society and its infrastructure, wherever and whenever its assistance is needed.