HERMES ERP Integrating Supply Chain ICT Advanced NFC Technology Solution
The innovative solution HERMES, serves as a safe hub in the supply chain between enterprises and customers.
It is based on the advanced NFC technology standards & UHF- integrated tagging technology and it uses enhanced cryptography and open APIs.
HERMES is easily integrated to other business support systems (e.g. ERP, Warehouse/Asset Management).
The capabilities offered to customers / users will be:
- Authentication of products
- Updated presentation of Items to authenticated users / devices
- Check for counterfeit products
- Custody of the complete product chain
- Authenticity, Traceability, Connectivity (ATC)
The results for the User/Company will be depicted as follows:
1. High Fast (from Day 1) Returns for the Investment:
2. Revenue & prevention loss within the Chain Custody – on store and Inventory levels
3. Track and control (the chain of custody) of a manufactured product in order to control & maximize your revenue stream.
4. Eradicate counterfeit products
5. State of the art Security Solutions for the Organization
6. Eradicate Security fake IDs, fake Security passes and protect anything of strategic value, both virtually and physically
7. Complement the already existing physical security printed documents (IDs, Passes, Rewards Cards, Licenses, License to Inventory, all professional IDs) by issuing virtual IDs.
8. Strategic and Innovative Competitive Marketing Advantages since ONEX by HERMES gives marketers the ability to document purchases of the product, the vendee, price and location and remote control of the object and its data.
This unique tool assists keeping real-time to products on the shelves, significantly improves inventory management, and reduces costs associated with production and storage excesses.
The company secures “Authentication” by providing the process of establishing confidence between consumer & the customer that the product is an authentic.
In Company online environment, the “CONSUMER” identifies the “PRODUCT”; while the password authenticates that the “PRODUCT & THE USER” is whom it/she claims to be.
Consumer always knows that buys Authentic (certificates), will be always able to track/deep dive in the product as much as the company wishes to share.
At the same time the company gets always feedback from consumers and can provide highly targeted marketing campaigns.
For more information on HERMES please contact us at sales@onexcompany.com