JULY 19.07.2017

CNN Greece Special for a high-tech product of ONEX SA: X-Ray Van ZBV - The X-Ray Super Weapon of the Hellenic Coast Guard

CNN Greece’s Presentation for ONEX’s high-end product

CNN Greece Special for a high-tech product of ONEX SA: X-Ray Van ZBV – The X-Ray Super Weapon of the Hellenic Coast Guard

In the high-tech product of ONEX SA, the ZBV X-ray Special Vehicle, which is used with great success by the Hellenic Coast Guard, was dedicated an extensive special of CNN Greece (15/07/2017). In the reporting titled “The X-Ray Super Weapon of the Hellenic Coast Guard“, X-Ray Van ZBV is presented at the busiest dock of the Port of Piraeus in full development of its capabilities along with a spectacular demonstration of the men of the Port Body.

The presentation included the detection by the vehicle – within seconds -of illegal substances as well as of capturing illegal migrants.

At the same time, testimonies of Hellenic Coast Guard officers were reported related to the vehicle’s valuable assistance to the prosecution authorities.

Mr. Ioannis Paschalidis, Chief Operations Officer of the High Technology and Innovative Applications Company ONEX SA, whose product is the particular vehicle, referred to the significant economic benefits for the Greek State from the use of ZBV as the specific purchase of the Coast Guard managed to “depreciate its value from the very first year of operation” and also “returned money to the public funds through the detection of missed customs charges from smuggled cigarettes, beverages etc.”

Mr. Pashalidis concluded that the return of these funds “is for the best for the Greek taxpayers who see at last their money wisely spent. “

The ZBV Vehicle commission of the Port Authority, amounting to 3.2 million euros, is a prime example of a successful public investment in high technology systems that yielded fruitful and multiple benefits over the past two years.

Watch the complete CNN Greece special for the product of ONEX SA, X-RAY VAN ZBV at the following link:







For more information please contact Mr Antonis Triarchis, +302106083465, atriarchis@onexcompany.com