DECEMBER 11.12.2017
ONEX Technologies at the 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum in New York.
ONEX Technologies at the 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum in New York: Panos T. Xenokostas’ speech on the Rebirth of the Hellenic Shipbuilding Sector at the 19th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum held in New York, on December 11, 2017
In a special moment for Greece and in an audience of 1,350 attendees, including the Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras (via live feed), and the Minister of National Economy of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Euclid Tsakalotos, Panos Xenokostas presented his plan for the Reorganization and Rebirth of the Hellenic Shipbuilding Sector through the forthcoming acquisition of the Historic Shipyard of the island of Syros, Greece.
In his impressive speech, he made a brief historical review which was followed by an analysis of Greece’s current situation in relation to the Mediterranean-International market. In addition, he highlighted the challenges, presented his future business development plan and mentioned all the investment opportunities that will arise following his company’s strategic move to enter a rapidly growing industry, by utilizing strategic infrastructures in a geopolitically volatile period.
Mr. Xenokostas pointed out that the American company ONEX Technologies by rescuing a Historic Shipyard will give the opportunity and contribute to the utilization of more than 100-years of know-how, to the incorporation of new technologies and innovations and to the creation of jobs and growth. An investment with a geopolitical impact and the entrepreneur’s decision to change the course of the sector.
In the conference participated senior government representatives, entrepreneurs, investors and bankers from Greece, Europe and the United States of America. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that representatives of the 3 European institutions (the European Commission, the European Stability Mechanism and the European Central Bank) attend together a forum that honors Greece abroad.
About ONEX Technologies
ONEX Technologies Group, headquartered in New York, is an international technology and investment corporation, with a global presence in USA, Europe, Middle East and Africa which offers leading tools to its customers through technological solutions, unique investment opportunities to its investors and innovative financing models to its partners. The Group launches investments in strategic business sectors of high added value, such as Aviation Support, ICT, Civil Protection & Critical Infrastructure Security, Advanced Material Science & Nanotechnology, Energy & Constructions and Business Outsourcing Services.